Car Crime: How Safe Is Your Car?

Watch this ITV documentary about Ghost Immobilisers

Ghost immobilisers Telford


Car thieves in the UK becoming more sophisticated every day. Between 2020 and 2021, there were over 89 thousand car thefts in the UK and Wales. Despite the steps that car manufacturers have taken, thieves are still able to get their hands on your vehicle.

So, what can you do to protect your car from theft in Telford? Get the very latest in vehicle protection technology; The Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser.

We supply and fit Autowatch Ghost Immobilisers in Telford, Shropshire. With an Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser Telford, you can rest easy knowing that your car is safe from thieves.

Next-generation vehicle protection in Telford

Protecting your car from theft isn’t easy, especially when you consider that standard vehicle security systems aren’t enough to deter thieves. This is why you need the very latest in-car security.

For extra protection, people often look for additional security devices. Although helpful, many of these devices involve cutting wires or adding a bulky fob to your keys.

Get your car protected today from just £499

Call us now with any enquiries or to make a purchase.

  • 07745 247 365

Get your car protected today from just £449

Call us now with any enquiries or to make a purchase.

Ghost immobilisers Telford

Personalised Protection for your Car

The Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser, however, protects your vehicle without any of this hassle. The small, weatherproof device can be placed virtually anywhere within the body of your vehicle. There it will be virtually undetectable and will prevent anyone but you from starting your car.

In fact, Autowatch Ghost Immobilisers are so advanced, that they can’t be cloned or copied in any way. To use your Ghost Immobiliser, you simply need two things; your personalised PIN code and the Autowath App (download here).

Your PIN code is created using the buttons and switches on the dashboard and steering wheel of your car. This means it will be unique to both you and your vehicle.

Without your unique code, your vehicle won’t start, leaving you with a truly secure layer of protection.

You can download the Autowatch App from the App Store & Google Play below.

Ghost immobilisers Telford
Ghost immobilisers Telford

Flexibility and Safety

If someone else needs to use or service your car, you can activate the Service/Valet Mode. This setting allows others to use your car without the need for your pin. Therefore, you can get the tune-up you need without compromising the security of your car!

Should for sell your car, forget your code, or experience any issues, don’t worry! Each Ghost device comes with a unique reset code for you to use. You can also change your PIN code at any time.

Disarming your Ghost system is simple. It can be done by using one of the following methods:

  • By entering your combination of vehicle buttons (your PIN code).
  • By entering the unique PIN override code via the accelerator pedal.
  • By using our dedicated App to act as an ADR override.

Ghost immobilisers Telford

We fit and install Autowatch Ghost Immobilisers Telford for almost any vehicle. The Autowatch Ghost works with a huge range of popular car brands, including:

  • Audi
  • BMW
  • Ford Land Rover
  • Range Rover
  • Porsche
  • Ford
  • Hyundai
  • Honda
  • Nissan
  • Mercedes
  • VW

We’re working hard to add more vehicles and manufacturers to this list every day!